

Variables are containers for storing data values.

Types of Variables:

String Data Types

  • Integer Data Types

  • Floating Data Types

  • Booleans Data Types

String Data Types Variable.

  • String Variable:- Is a series of Characters.

  • A variable name cannot start with the Number.

  • To Create the String Variable we use Double inverted commas - Quotation Marks ("") Or Single inverted commas - Quotation Marks (' ') in Python.

name = "Bro"
print("Hello " + name)
    # OutPut = Hello Bro
  • print(type(age)): This is used to check the Data Type of the Variable
    # OutPut = <class 'str'>

Integer Data Types Variable (Contents Number only)

  • To Create the integer variable we use only contains numbers without any Double inverted commas - Quotation Marks ("") Or Single inverted commas - Quotation Marks (' ')

  • Here in the below example, we use comma separate(,) the two different data types e.g:- STRING Type and INTEGER type.

age = 40
print("My Age is : ", age)
    # OutPut = My Age is:  40
  • Here in the below example, we change the convert Values to str() to avoid the Type Error.
print("My Age is : " + str(age)) 
    # OutPut = My Age is: 40
  • print(type(age)): This is used to check the Data Type of the Variable
    # OutPut = <class 'int'>

Float Data Types Variable.

  • Floating point number (a decimal number Like: 20.5, 856.684 etc)

  • Float, or "floating point number" is a number, positive or negative, containing one or more decimals.

  • Here in the below example, we change the Float Values to str() to avoid the Type Error.

hight = 250.5
print("Your Height is : "+str(height) + " cm")
    # OutPut = Your Hight is: 250.5 cm
  • print(type(age)): This is used to check the Data Type of the Variable
    # OutPut = <class 'float'>

Booleans Data Types Variable.

  • Booleans represent one of two values: True or False.

  • Booleans also can be used in the Conditions checks and "if statement" where we need to check if the result is True OR False.

human = False
    # OutPut = False
  • print(type(age)): This is used to check the Data Type of the Variable
    # ? OutPut = <class 'bool'>